Business Partner
for Corporations and Companies

It is a young and dynamic company. It is a structure organized through a pool of titled and competent professionals. It is an interlocutor able to understand the needs also implicit, evaluate solutions, plan useful services, solve needs and aim to meet the needs of each client: private or public. It is a mediator able to guarantee the correct application of the rules. It is a business partner that, with passion and motivation, operates at a high level of competitiveness.

It is present through dedicated consultants, trained strictly, always ready to improve and expand their skills in order to support customers with specific needs. It establishes a direct relationship, a long-lasting, constructive and proactive individual human and intellectual involvement with organizations and companies. It therefore represents an ideal, unique and highly qualified partner.

It is proposed to improve the quality of life of each individual customer, becoming its point of reference. The goal is the pursuit of perfection, or the passion for excellence. Passion understood as ethics, passion understood as a construction of value over time. A request from Consùleo always obtains a prompt, precise and timely reply, followed by an efficient and effective assistance that allows companies to acquire the necessary autonomy in the management of the activities after consulting.
Lavora con noi
Bentley SOA S.p.A. - Società Organismo di Attestazione
OPNASP _ Organismo Paritetico Nazionale Settore Privato
UNASF - Unione Nazionale Sicurezza e Formazione
ANGQ-Associazione Nazionale Garanzia della Qualità
Graphic design     Lu´ D´Aversa             Web-development     Sandro Martena
Consùleo srl - Partner d´impresa - Fragagnano Taranto Puglia